Congratulations! Your last task!

Great job on solving all of those clues! We are so excited you’re here for Girls Club, and just want to find out more about you.

Go back to Ed Modo by clicking the button below, and post a note in our classroom with the following information:

  • Write your name like this: “Name: [Your Name]”; for example, if your name is Andi, then it would read “Name: Andi”.

  • Press enter on your keyboard so you start a new line and then write your grade like this: “Grade: [Your Grade]”; for example, if your grade is 6, then it would read, “Grade: 6”.

  • Press enter on your keyboard so you start a new line and then write “About Me:” and then write a little about yourself. You can tell us anything you’d like to, but please keep it short.

  • OPTIONAL: Lastly, add your favourite picture that you took (it can be of your pet, your favourite place, etc., but please don’t have a person in your picture)!

Guess what?

By following these steps, you are following an algorithm; algorithms are a set of rules that computers must follow in order to complete a task! In this case, you would be the computer, and the scavenger hunt is the algorithm.